Supplementary Sessions
In addition to the three main strength programmes Running Buddy provides a range of supplementary sessions. Micro Workouts provide a framework to complete shorter strength sessions in conjunction with your runs. These are perfect if time is tight. Pre Run Routines are included to act as a warm up before you start running. These are a good way to include plyometric exercises in your routine too and help prepare your body for the run ahead. Mobility Sessions can act as an extended warm up or can be done as a stand alone session. These are particularly useful for anyone who is desk based for work, using them to break up long periods of sitting is beneficial. They also fit well on recovery days to help joints, muscles and tendons get moving at a low intensity. The Stretch It Out session is a flexibility routine that targets the main muscle groups used when running.
App Features
Upon sign up, you will have access to the Running Buddy "User Manual". This provides more detail about the programmes and provides templates that outline how weekly running and strength sessions can be scheduled.